Info in English

Welcome to the English page of Botanical Society of Slovenia! Below you can find some basic info about us.

Botanical Society of Slovenia is a voluntary and non-profit association of professional and amateur botanists. It was founded on the initial meeting that took place on 28 April, 1998 in Ljubljana. In 2008, it has gained status of an organisation that operates in collective interest. Its activities encourage botanical research.

The society’s logotype is an umbel of Hladnikia pastinacifolia next to the society’s formal name in Slovene and English language. This plant species is the only Slovene genus-endemic plant. It can only be found in nature on a limited area of the Trnovski gozd region, where it flowers from May to July. It was named by German botanist Ludwig Reichenbach, who named it after Franc Hladnik, the founder of the Ljubljana Botanical Garden.

The society’s goals are:

– increase in knowledge of Slovenian flora,
– popularisation of botany,
– conservation of plant species and their habitats,
– efforts for professional level of association’s activities,
– establishment and sustenance of contacts between experts of different branches of botany,
– cooperation with foreign experts in botany,
– cooperation with related associations and organisations in Slovenia and abroad.

The society’s activities are:

– organising lectures (Botanical evenings), botanical excursions, exhibitions, and competitions (Competition in knowledge of Slovene flora for elementary and high schools),
– issuing and publishing of a scientific journal Hladnikia, as well as other scientific, popular science, or educational botanical literature,
– organisation of meetings (Wraber’s Day), workshops, seminars for members of the society, and helping them to publish scientific and popular science articles in periodical or occasional publications,
– cooperation in Slovene and international projects,
– cooperation with institutions that produce educational botanical literature,
– bestowing the society’s acknowledgements.

Official address:

Botanical Society of Slovenia
Večna pot 111
1000 Ljubljana


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